Source code for boardgamegeek.api

# coding: utf-8
:mod:`boardgamegeek.api` - Core functions

This module contains the core functionality needed to retrieve data from and parse it into usable

.. module:: boardgamegeek.api
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: module handling communication with the online BoardGameGeek API

.. moduleauthor:: Cosmin Luță <>
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import datetime
import logging
import sys
import warnings

# This is required for decoding HTML entities from the description text
# of games
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
    import html.parser as hp
    import HTMLParser as hp

from .objects.user import User
from import SearchResult

from .exceptions import BGGApiError, BGGError, BGGItemNotFoundError, BGGValueError
from .utils import xml_subelement_attr, request_and_parse_xml
from .utils import RateLimitingAdapter, DEFAULT_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE
from .cache import CacheBackendMemory, CacheBackendNone

from .loaders import create_guild_from_xml, add_guild_members_from_xml
from .loaders import create_plays_from_xml, add_plays_from_xml
from .loaders import create_hot_items_from_xml, add_hot_items_from_xml
from .loaders import create_collection_from_xml, add_collection_items_from_xml
from .loaders import create_game_from_xml, add_game_comments_from_xml

log = logging.getLogger("boardgamegeek.api")
html_parser = hp.HTMLParser()

HOT_ITEM_CHOICES = ["boardgame", "rpg", "videogame", "boardgameperson", "rpgperson", "boardgamecompany",
                    "rpgcompany", "videogamecompany"]

COLLECTION_SUBTYPES = ["boardgame", "boardgameexpansion", "boardgameaccessory", "rpgitem", "rpgissue", "videogame"]

class BGGChoose(object):
    Constants indicating how a game should be chosen when performing a search by name
    FIRST = "first"
    RECENT = "recent"
    BEST_RANK = "best-rank"

class BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo(object):
    Item types that should be included in search results
    RPG = "rpgitem"
    VIDEO_GAME = "videogame"
    BOARD_GAME = "boardgame"
    BOARD_GAME_EXPANSION = "boardgameexpansion"

class BGGRestrictDomainTo(object):
    Constants used in BoardGameGeek.user() calls, for specifying what hot/top items should be restricted to
    BOARD_GAME = "boardgame"
    RPG = "rpg"
    VIDEO_GAME = "videogame"

class BGGRestrictPlaysTo(object):
    BOARD_GAME = "boardgame"
    BOARD_GAME_EXTENSION = "boardgameexpansion"
    BOARD_GAME_ACCESSORY = "boardgameaccessory"
    RPG = "rpgitem"
    VIDEO_GAME = "videogame"

class BGGRestrictCollectionTo(object):
    BOARD_GAME = "boardgame"
    BOARD_GAME_EXTENSION = "boardgameexpansion"
    BOARD_GAME_ACCESSORY = "boardgameaccessory"
    RPG = "rpgitem"
    RPG_ISSUE = "rpgissue"
    VIDEO_GAME = "videogame"

def call_progress_cb(progress_cb, current, total):
    if progress_cb is not None:
        progress_cb(current, total)

class BGGCommon(object):
    Base class for the BoardGameGeek websites APIs. All site-specific clients are derived from this.

    :param str api_endpoint: URL of the API
    :param :py:class:`boardgamegeek.cache.CacheBackend` cache: object to be used for caching BGG API results
    :param float timeout: timeout for a request, in seconds
    :param int retries: how many retries to perform in special cases
    :param float retry_delay: delay between retries, in seconds
    def __init__(self, api_endpoint, cache, timeout, retries, retry_delay, requests_per_minute):
        self._search_api_url = api_endpoint + "/search"
        self._thing_api_url = api_endpoint + "/thing"
        self._guild_api_url = api_endpoint + "/guild"
        self._user_api_url = api_endpoint + "/user"
        self._plays_api_url = api_endpoint + "/plays"
        self._hot_api_url = api_endpoint + "/hot"
        self._collection_api_url = api_endpoint + "/collection"
            self._timeout = float(timeout)
            self._retries = int(retries)
            self._retry_delay = float(retry_delay)
            raise BGGValueError

        if cache is None:
            cache = CacheBackendNone()
        self.requests_session = cache.cache

        # add the rate limiting adapter
        self.requests_session.mount(api_endpoint, RateLimitingAdapter(rpm=requests_per_minute))

    def _get_game_id(self, name, game_type, choose):
        Returns the BGG ID of a game, searching by name

        :param str name: the name of the game to search for
        :param str game_type: searched game type (BGGItemType.RPG, BGGItemType.VIDEO_GAME, BGGItemType.BOARD_GAME,
        :param str choose: method of selecting the game by name, when having multiple results. Valid values are:
                           `BGGChoose.FIRST`, `BGGChoose.RECENT`, `BGGChoose.BEST_RANK`
        :return: game's id
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGItemNotFoundError` if the game hasn't been found
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the API response was invalid or couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout

        if choose not in [BGGChoose.FIRST, BGGChoose.RECENT, BGGChoose.BEST_RANK]:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid value for parameter 'choose': {}".format(choose))

        log.debug("getting game id for '{}'".format(name))
        res =, search_type=[game_type], exact=True)

        if not res:
            raise BGGItemNotFoundError("can't find '{}'".format(name))

        if choose == BGGChoose.FIRST:
            return res[0].id
        elif choose == BGGChoose.RECENT:
            # choose the result with the biggest year
            return max(res, key=lambda x: x.year if x.year is not None else -300000).id
            # getting the best rank requires fetching the data of all games returned
            game_data = [ for r in res]
            # ...and selecting the one with the best ranking
            return min(game_data, key=lambda x: x.boardgame_rank if x.boardgame_rank is not None else 10000000000).id

    def guild(self, guild_id, progress=None, members=True):
        Retrieves details about a guild

        :param integer guild_id: the id number of the guild
        :param callable progress: an optional callable for reporting progress, taking two integers (``current``, ``total``) as arguments
        :param bool members: if ``True``, names of the guild members will be fetched
        :return: ``Guild`` object containing the data
        :return: ``None`` if the information couldn't be retrieved
        :rtype: :py:class:`boardgamegeek.guild.Guild`
        :raises: :py:exc:`BGGValueError` in case of an invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout

            guild_id = int(guild_id)
            raise BGGValueError("invalid guild id")

        xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,
                                         params={"id": guild_id,
                                                 "members": 1 if members else 0},

        guild = create_guild_from_xml(xml_root, html_parser)

        if not members:
            return guild

        # Add the first page of members
        added_member = add_guild_members_from_xml(guild, xml_root)

            call_progress_cb(progress, len(guild), guild.members_count)
            return guild

        # Fetch the other pages of members
        page = 1
        while len(guild) < guild.members_count and added_member:
            page += 1
            log.debug("fetching guild members page {}".format(page))

            xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,
                                             params={"id": guild_id, "members": 1, "page": page},

            added_member = add_guild_members_from_xml(guild, xml_root)

                call_progress_cb(progress, len(guild), guild.members_count)

        return guild

    # TODO: refactor
    def user(self, name, progress=None, buddies=True, guilds=True, hot=True, top=True, domain=BGGRestrictDomainTo.BOARD_GAME):
        Retrieves details about an user

        :param str name: user's login name
        :param callable progress: an optional callable for reporting progress when fetching the buddy list/guilds,
                                  taking two integers (``current``, ``total``) as arguments
        :param bool buddies: if ``True``, get the user's buddies
        :param bool guilds: if ``True``, get the user's guilds
        :param bool hot: if ``True``, get the user's "hot" list
        :param bool top: if ``True``, get the user's "top" list
        :param str domain: restrict items on the "hot" and "top" lists to ``domain``. One of the constants in :py:class:`boardgamegeek.BGGSelectDomain`
        :return: ``User`` object
        :rtype: :py:class:`boardgamegeek.user.User`
        :return: ``None`` if the user couldn't be found

        :raises: `ValueError` in case of invalid parameters
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGItemNotFoundError` if the user wasn't found
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout

        if not name:
            raise BGGValueError("no user name specified")

        if domain not in [BGGRestrictDomainTo.BOARD_GAME, BGGRestrictDomainTo.RPG, BGGRestrictDomainTo.VIDEO_GAME]:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid domain")

        params = {"name": name,
                  "buddies": 1 if buddies else 0,
                  "guilds": 1 if guilds else 0,
                  "hot": 1 if hot else 0,
                  "top": 1 if top else 0,
                  "domain": domain}

        root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

        # when the user is not found, the API returns an response, but with most fields empty. id is empty too
            data = {"name": root.attrib["name"],
                    "id": int(root.attrib["id"])}
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            raise BGGItemNotFoundError

        for i in ["firstname", "lastname", "avatarlink",
                  "stateorprovince", "country", "webaddress", "xboxaccount",
                  "wiiaccount", "steamaccount", "psnaccount", "traderating"]:
            data[i] = xml_subelement_attr(root, i)

        data["yearregistered"] = xml_subelement_attr(root, "yearregistered", convert=int, quiet=True)
        data["lastlogin"] = xml_subelement_attr(root,
                                                convert=lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d"),

        # TODO: move add_top_item add_hot_item to sepparated files
        user = User(data)

        # add top items
        if top:
            for top_item in root.findall(".//top/item"):
                user.add_top_item({"id": int(top_item.attrib["id"]),
                                   "name": top_item.attrib["name"]})

        # add hot items
        if hot:
            for hot_item in root.findall(".//hot/item"):
                user.add_hot_item({"id": int(hot_item.attrib["id"]),
                                   "name": hot_item.attrib["name"]})

        if not buddies and not guilds:
            return user

        total_buddies = 0
        total_guilds = 0

        buddies = root.find("buddies")
        if buddies is not None:
            total_buddies = int(buddies.attrib["total"])
            if total_buddies > 0:
                # add the buddies from the first page
                for buddy in buddies.findall(".//buddy"):
                    user.add_buddy({"name": buddy.attrib["name"],
                                    "id": buddy.attrib["id"]})

        guilds = root.find("guilds")
        if guilds is not None:
            total_guilds = int(guilds.attrib["total"])
            if total_guilds > 0:
                # add the guilds from the first page
                for guild in guilds.findall(".//guild"):
                    user.add_guild({"name": guild.attrib["name"],
                                    "id": guild.attrib["id"]})

        # It seems that the BGG API can return more results than what's specified in the documentation (they say
        # page size is 100, but for an user with 114 friends, all buddies are there on the first page).
        # Therefore, we'll keep fetching pages until we reach the number of items we're expecting or we don't get
        # any more data

        max_items_to_fetch = max(total_buddies, total_guilds)

            call_progress_cb(progress, max(user.total_buddies, user.total_guilds), max_items_to_fetch)
            return user

        page = 2
        while max(user.total_buddies, user.total_guilds) < max_items_to_fetch:
            added_buddy = False
            added_guild = False
            params["page"] = page
            root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

            for buddy in root.findall(".//buddy"):
                user.add_buddy({"name": buddy.attrib["name"],
                                "id": buddy.attrib["id"]})
                added_buddy = True

            for guild in root.findall(".//guild"):
                user.add_guild({"name": guild.attrib["name"],
                                "id": guild.attrib["id"]})
                added_guild = True

                call_progress_cb(progress, max(user.total_buddies, user.total_guilds), max_items_to_fetch)

            page += 1

            if not added_buddy and not added_guild:
                log.debug("didn't add any buddy/guild after fetching page {}, stopping here".format(page))

        return user

    def plays(self, name=None, game_id=None, progress=None, min_date=None, max_date=None, subtype=BGGRestrictPlaysTo.BOARD_GAME):
        Retrieves the plays for an user (if using ``name``) or for a game (if using ``game_id``)

        :param str name: user name to retrieve the plays for
        :param integer game_id: game id to retrieve the plays for
        :param callable progress: an optional callable for reporting progress, taking two integers (``current``,
                                  ``total``) as arguments
        :param min_date: return only plays of the specified date or later
        :param max_date: return only plays of the specified date or earlier
        :param str subtype: limit plays results to the specified subtype.
        :return: object containing all the plays
        :rtype: :py:class:`boardgamegeek.plays.Plays`
        :return: ``None`` if the user/game couldn't be found
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout

        if not name and not game_id:
            raise BGGValueError("no user name specified")

        if name and game_id:
            raise BGGValueError("can't retrieve by user and by game at the same time")

        if subtype not in ["boardgame", "boardgameexpansion", "boardgameaccessory", "rpgitem", "videogame"]:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid subtype")

        params = {"subtype": subtype}

        if name:
            params["username"] = name
            game_id = None
                params["id"] = int(game_id)
            except ValueError:
                raise BGGValueError("invalid game id")

        if min_date:
                params["mindate"] = min_date.isoformat()
            except AttributeError:
                raise BGGValueError("mindate must be a object")

        if max_date:
                params["maxdate"] = max_date.isoformat()
            except AttributeError:
                raise BGGValueError("maxdate must be a object")

        xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

        plays = create_plays_from_xml(xml_root, game_id)
        added_plays = add_plays_from_xml(plays, xml_root)

            call_progress_cb(progress, len(plays), plays.plays_count)
            return plays

        page = 1

        # Since the BGG API doesn't seem to report the total number of plays for games correctly (it's 0), just
        # continue until we can't add anymore
        while added_plays:
            page += 1
            log.debug("fetching page {} of plays".format(page))

            params["page"] = page

            # fetch the next pages of plays
            xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

            added_plays = add_plays_from_xml(plays, xml_root)

                call_progress_cb(progress, len(plays), plays.plays_count)

        return plays

    def hot_items(self, item_type):
        Return the list of "Hot Items"

        :param str item_type: hot item type. Valid values: "boardgame", "rpg", "videogame", "boardgameperson",
                              "rpgperson", "boardgamecompany", "rpgcompany", "videogamecompany")
        :return: ``HotItems`` object
        :rtype: :py:class:`boardgamegeek.hotitems.HotItems`
        :return: ``None`` in case the hot items couldn't be retrieved

        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after
                  a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout
        if item_type not in HOT_ITEM_CHOICES:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid type specified")

        params = {"type": item_type}

        xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

        hot_items = create_hot_items_from_xml(xml_root)
        add_hot_items_from_xml(hot_items, xml_root)

        return hot_items

    def collection(self, user_name, subtype=BGGRestrictCollectionTo.BOARD_GAME, exclude_subtype=None, ids=None, versions=False,
                   own=None, rated=None, played=None, commented=None, trade=None, want=None, wishlist=None,
                   wishlist_prio=None, preordered=None, want_to_play=None, want_to_buy=None, prev_owned=None,
                   has_parts=None, want_parts=None, min_rating=None, rating=None, min_bgg_rating=None, bgg_rating=None,
                   min_plays=None, max_plays=None, collection_id=None, modified_since=None):
        Returns an user's game collection

        :param str user_name: user name to retrieve the collection for
        :param str subtype: what type of items to return. One of the constants in :py:class:`boardgamegeek.api.BGGRestrictCollectionTo`
        :param str exclude_subtype: if not ``None`` (default), exclude the specified subtype. Else, one of the constants in :py:class:`boardgamegeek.api.BGGRestrictCollectionTo`
        :param list ids: if not ``None`` (default), limit the results to the specified ids.
        :param bool versions: include item version information
        :param bool own: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) owned items
        :param bool rated: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) rated items
        :param bool played: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) played items
        :param bool commented: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items commented on
        :param bool trade: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items for trade
        :param bool want: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items wanted in trade
        :param bool wishlist: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items in the wishlist
        :param int wishlist_prio: return only the items with the specified wishlist priority (valid values: 1 to 5)
        :param bool preordered: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) preordered items
        :param bool want_to_play: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items wanting to play
        :param bool want_to_buy: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items wanting to buy
        :param bool prev_owned: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) previously owned items
        :param bool has_parts: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items for which there is a comment in the "Has parts" field
        :param bool want_parts: include (if ``True``) or exclude (if ``False``) items for which there is a comment in the "Want parts" field
        :param double min_rating: return items rated by the user with a minimum of ``min_rating``
        :param double rating: return items rated by the user with a maximum of ``rating``
        :param double min_bgg_rating : return items rated on BGG with a minimum of ``min_bgg_rating``
        :param double bgg_rating: return items rated on BGG with a maximum of ``bgg_rating``
        :param int collection_id: restrict results to the collection specified by this id
        :param str modified_since: restrict results to those whose status (own, want, etc.) has been changed/added since ``modified_since``. Format: ``YY-MM-DD`` or ``YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS``

        :return: ``Collection`` object
        :rtype: :py:class:`boardgamegeek.collection.Collection`
        :return: ``None`` if user not found

        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout

        # Parameter validation

        if not user_name:
            raise BGGValueError("no user name specified")

        if subtype not in COLLECTION_SUBTYPES:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid 'subtype'")

        params={"username": user_name,
                "subtype": subtype,
                "stats": 1}

        if exclude_subtype is not None:
            if exclude_subtype not in COLLECTION_SUBTYPES:
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'exclude_subtype'")

            if subtype == exclude_subtype:
                raise BGGValueError("incompatible 'subtype' and 'exclude_subtype'")

            params["excludesubtype"] = exclude_subtype

        if ids is not None:
            params["id"] = ",".join(["{}".format(id_) for id_ in ids])

        for param in ["versions", "own", "rated", "played", "trade", "want", "wishlist", "preordered"]:
            p = locals()[param]
            if p is not None:
                params[param] = 1 if p else 0

        if commented is not None:
            params["comment"] = 1 if commented else 0

        if wishlist_prio is not None:
            if 1 <= wishlist_prio <= 5:
                params["wishlishpriority"] = wishlist_prio
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'wishlist_prio'")

        if want_to_play is not None:
            params["wanttoplay"] = 1 if want_to_play else 0

        if want_to_buy is not None:
            params["wanttobuy"] = 1 if want_to_buy else 0

        if prev_owned is not None:
            params["prevowned"] = 1 if prev_owned else 0

        if has_parts is not None:
            params["hasparts"] = 1 if has_parts else 0

        if want_parts is not None:
            params["wantparts"] = 1 if want_parts else 0

        if min_rating is not None:
            if 1.0 <= min_rating <= 10.0:
                params["minrating"] = min_rating
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'min_rating'")

        if rating is not None:
            if 1.0 <= rating <= 10.0:
                params["rating"] = rating
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'rating'")

        if min_bgg_rating is not None:
            if 1.0 <= min_bgg_rating <= 10.0:
                params["minbggrating"] = min_bgg_rating
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'bgg_min_rating'")

        if bgg_rating is not None:
            if 1.0 <= bgg_rating <= 10.0:
                params["bggrating"] = bgg_rating
                raise BGGValueError("invalid 'bgg_rating'")

        if collection_id is not None:
            params["collid"] = collection_id

        if modified_since is not None:
            params["modifiedsince"] = modified_since

        xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

        collection = create_collection_from_xml(xml_root, user_name)
        add_collection_items_from_xml(collection, xml_root, subtype)

        return collection

    def search(self, query, search_type=None, exact=False):
        Search for a game

        :param str query: the string to search for
        :param list search_type: list of :py:class:`boardgamegeek.api.BGGRestrictItemTypeTo`, indicating what to include in the search results.
        :param bool exact: if True, try to match the name exactly
        :return: list of ``SearchResult``
        :rtype: list of :py:class:``

        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGValueError` in case of invalid parameter(s)
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the API response was invalid or couldn't be parsed
        :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout
        if not query:
            raise BGGValueError("invalid query string")

        if search_type is None:
            search_type = [BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME]

        params = {"query": query}

        for s in search_type:
            if s not in [BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.RPG, BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.VIDEO_GAME,
                         BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME, BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME_EXPANSION]:
                raise BGGValueError("invalid search type: {}".format(search_type))

        params["type"] = ",".join(search_type)

        if exact:
            params["exact"] = 1

        root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session,

        results = []
        for item in root.findall("item"):
            kwargs = {"id": item.attrib["id"],
                      "name": xml_subelement_attr(item, "name"),
                      "yearpublished": xml_subelement_attr(item,
                      "type": item.attrib["type"]}


        return results

[docs]class BGGClient(BGGCommon): """ Python client for's XML API 2. Caching for the requests can be used by specifying an URI for the ``cache`` parameter. By default, an in-memory cache is used, with sqlite being the other currently supported option. :param :py:class:`boardgamegeek.cache.CacheBackend` cache: An object to be used for caching the requests :param float timeout: Timeout for network operations, in seconds :param int retries: Number of retries to perform in case the API returns HTTP 202 (retry) or in case of timeouts :param float retry_delay: Time to sleep, in seconds, between retries when the API returns HTTP 202 (retry) :param disable_ssl: ignored, left for backwards compatibility :param requests_per_minute: how many requests per minute to allow to go out to BGG (throttle prevention) Example usage:: >>> bgg = BGGClient() >>> game ="Android: Netrunner") >>> 124742 >>> bgg_no_cache = BGGClient(cache=CacheBackendNone()) >>> bgg_sqlite_cache = BGGClient(cache=CacheBackendSqlite(path="/path/to/cache.db", ttl=3600)) """ def __init__(self, cache=CacheBackendMemory(ttl=3600), timeout=15, retries=3, retry_delay=5, disable_ssl=False, requests_per_minute=DEFAULT_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE): super(BGGClient, self).__init__(api_endpoint="", cache=cache, timeout=timeout, retries=retries, retry_delay=retry_delay, requests_per_minute=requests_per_minute)
[docs] def get_game_id(self, name, choose=BGGChoose.FIRST): """ Returns the BGG ID of a game, searching by name :param str name: The name of the game to search for :param boardgamegeek.BGGChoose choose: method of selecting the game by name, when dealing with multiple results. :return: the game's id :rtype: integer :return: ``None`` if game wasn't found :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGError` in case of invalid name :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiError` if the response couldn't be parsed :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BGGApiTimeoutError` if there was a timeout """ return self._get_game_id(name, game_type=BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME, choose=choose)
[docs] def game_list(self, game_id_list=[], versions=False, videos=False, historical=False, marketplace=False): """ Get list of games by from a list of ids. :param list game_id_list: List of game ids :param bool versions: include versions information :param bool videos: include videos :param bool historical: include historical data :param bool marketplace: include marketplace data :return: list of ``BoardGame`` objects :rtype: list` :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIError` if the response couldn't be parsed :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekTimeoutError` if there was a timeout """ if not game_id_list: raise BGGError("List of Game Ids must be specified") log.debug("retrieving games {}".format(game_id_list,)) params = {"id": ','.join([str(game_id) for game_id in game_id_list]), "versions": 1 if versions else 0, "videos": 1 if videos else 0, "historical": 1 if historical else 0, "marketplace": 1 if marketplace else 0, "stats": 1} xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session, self._thing_api_url, params=params, timeout=self._timeout, retries=self._retries, retry_delay=self._retry_delay) xml_root = xml_root.findall("item") if xml_root is None: msg = "invalid data for game ids: {}".format(game_id_list,) raise BGGApiError(msg) game_list = [] for i, game_root in enumerate(xml_root): game = create_game_from_xml(game_root, game_id=game_id_list[i], html_parser=html_parser) game_list.append(game) return game_list
[docs] def game(self, name=None, game_id=None, choose=BGGChoose.FIRST, versions=False, videos=False, historical=False, marketplace=False, comments=False, rating_comments=False, progress=None): """ Get information about a game. :param str name: If not None, get information about a game with this name :param integer game_id: If not None, get information about a game with this id :param str choose: method of selecting the game by name, when dealing with multiple results. Valid values are : "first", "recent" or "best-rank" :param bool versions: include versions information :param bool videos: include videos :param bool historical: include historical data :param bool marketplace: include marketplace data :param bool comments: include comments :param bool rating_comments: include comments with rating (ignored in favor of ``comments``, if that is true) :param callable progress: callable for reporting progress if fetching comments :return: ``BoardGame`` object :rtype: :py:class:`` :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekError` in case of invalid name or game_id :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIError` if the response couldn't be parsed :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekTimeoutError` if there was a timeout """ if not name and game_id is None: raise BGGError("game name or id not specified") if game_id is None: game_id = self.get_game_id(name, choose=choose) if game_id is None: raise BGGItemNotFoundError log.debug("retrieving game id {}{}".format(game_id, " ({})".format(name) if name is not None else "")) params = {"id": game_id, "versions": 1 if versions else 0, "videos": 1 if videos else 0, "historical": 1 if historical else 0, "marketplace": 1 if marketplace else 0, "comments": 1 if comments else 0, "ratingcomments": 1 if rating_comments else 0, "pagesize": 100, "page": 1, "stats": 1} xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session, self._thing_api_url, params=params, timeout=self._timeout, retries=self._retries, retry_delay=self._retry_delay) xml_root = xml_root.find("item") if xml_root is None: msg = "invalid data for game id: {}{}".format(game_id, "" if name is None else " ({})".format(name)) raise BGGApiError(msg) game = create_game_from_xml(xml_root, game_id=game_id, html_parser=html_parser) if not comments: return game added_items, total = add_game_comments_from_xml(game, xml_root) try: call_progress_cb(progress, len(game.comments), total) except: return game page = 1 while added_items and len(game.comments) < total: page += 1 xml_root = request_and_parse_xml(self.requests_session, self._thing_api_url, params={"id": game_id, "pagesize": 100, "comments": 1, "page": page}) added_items = add_game_comments_from_xml(game, xml_root) try: call_progress_cb(progress, len(game), game.comments) except: break return game
[docs] def games(self, name): """ Return a list containing all games with the given name :param str name: the name of the game to search for :return: list of :py:class:`` :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIRetryError` if this request should be retried after a short delay :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekAPIError` if the response couldn't be parsed :raises: :py:exc:`boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekTimeoutError` if there was a timeout """ return [ for s in, search_type=[BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME, BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.BOARD_GAME_EXPANSION], exact=True)]